Using brave writer in small groups
Using brave writer in small groups

using brave writer in small groups

Then, we had connected over Facebook and grown to be close friends online, sharing much more than homeschooling stories. We had regularly watched each other's scopes and connected that way. Through Periscope, last fall, I had made friends with a small group of about 30 women that regularly broadcasted about their homeschool.

using brave writer in small groups using brave writer in small groups

I almost felt like a celebrity! It was a lot of fun and I took many selfies with many moms! Many approached me because they had been following me on Instagram, my blog or on Periscope.

using brave writer in small groups

Įqually amazing was meeting so many of the women attending the retreat. We were asked to represent what it means to "be good to yourself". Little muslin squares made by each person that attended. I enjoyed discovering common things we have done in our homeschooling with Melissa! Having corresponded with Julie and watched many of her Periscopes broadcast, it was truly a great pleasure to be able to see, hear, and talk with her in person. I personally didn't attend any of the workshops since I was presenting mine during the 2 sessions, but I was able to attend the main talks from Julie and Melissa Wiley.

  • Jeannette Hall's workshop spoke about "How to Make Ballet, Opera, and Shakespeare More Interesting than Minecraft".
  • Stephanie Elms presented a workshop called "The Re-Upping Moment: Tackling the Teen Years at Home".
  • Rita Cevasco's workshop spoke about "Connecting Your Child's Language Skills - to Your Language Lifestyle".
  • Melissa Wiley presented " Tidal Homeschooling"( link is part of the presentation) ," Comics Make You Smart" and a workshop about "Book for Breakfast, Literature for Lunch".
  • Julie Bogart presented " Updating Charlotte Mason to the 21st Century", "The Invisible Education"(and part 2) and "Preparation for Reflection" as well as others.
  • You can c lick on the bold linked titles to watch a few of these on Periscope! There were several keynote presentations and other workshops on topics that were of interest to many homeschoolers. (thank you to Gina and Meghan for sharing photos!) Nature Scavenger Hunt was part of my Nature Appreciation Workshop

    Using brave writer in small groups