Android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers
Android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers

android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers

The Belgian Blacklist Mechanism requires companies to handle immediately process STOP opt-out messages sent by consumers.Operators: Proximus, OrangeBelgium, Base, Telenet, Lycamobile, NMBS, MundioMobile, ElephantTalk, Voxbone, JoinExperience, Unleashed" (these are all GSM services) We have direct access to a live MNP database in Belgium. "CM has a direct route in Belgium and direct connections to all Belgian operators. There were a few internet-hits linking Proximus and CM Telecom, but they were in Dutch so I'm not sure what they said :-) It is definitely the case that Proximus is connected to cmTelecom however =. However from what I can tel Proximus is NOT on the same backend as OrangeBelgium, they are a hardware-independent competitor.

android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers

It looks like MobileVikings is an MVNO of the OrangeBelgium network nowadays, so you could be experiencing the same STOP-of-cmTelecom-also-inadvertently-blocks-Twilio behavior in #8148.

Android studio toast message showing mysterious numbers